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Variables and Data Types

Boolean Data Type

A boolean can store one of two values, either true or false.

  • Occupies 1 bytes.
  • The default value is false.
  • There is no min or max for boolean data type.
public class BooleanType {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    boolean a = true; // true
    boolean b = false; // false
    boolean notA = !a; // false (opposite of boolean `a` value)
    boolean notB = !b; // true  (opposite of boolean `b` value)
    boolean aAndB = a && b; // false (are both `a`, `b` true?)
    boolean aOrB = a || b; // true  (either `a` or `b` true?)
    boolean aXorB =a ^ b; // true (either of them should be true)

!, &&, ||, and ^ are operators. The next chapter covers operators in detail.