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Why Java? Is It Open Source?


The reasons why you should consider Java, are:

  1. Rich ecosystem and libraries.
  2. Strong community support and talent pool.
  3. Scalability and performance.
  4. Security.
  5. Job opportunities.
  6. Ecosystem.
  7. Cloud-native development.
  8. Enterprise adoption.
  9. Building high-performance systems.

Java's combination of platform independence, rich ecosystem, strong community support, security features, and performance make it a compelling choice for various software development projects.

Netflix Embraced Java Microservices

Netflix migrated its entire backend to Java microservices, resulting in a significant impact on its success. The company also contributed to the open-source community by sharing some of its work in the Spring community. Here's why Netflix embraced Java microservices:

  • Scalability
  • Ecosystem
  • Portability
  • Resilience
  • Community and talent pool

By leveraging Java microservices, Netflix has built a highly scalable, resilient, and adaptable architecture that enables them to deliver seamless streaming experiences to millions of subscribers worldwide.

Who owns Java? Is it open source?

Java is managed by a combination of open-source and proprietary licenses, with Oracle being its primary steward and owner of the Java trademark.

Java is not completely open-source, but it has open-source components. The OpenJDK is an open-source implementation of the Java SE (Standard Edition) platform, which is the most widely used version of Java. [GitHub reference - OpenJDK].

Other Java distributions, such as AdoptOpenJDK, Amazon Corretto, and others, are based on the open-source OpenJDK project. These distributions are often used in various software development projects and are freely available.

In addition to OpenJDK, other open-source projects use Java, such as Apache Maven, Apache Tomcat, and Spring Framework. These projects are licensed under various open-source licenses, such as the Apache License, which allows for commercial use and distribution of the software.

Benefits and career aspirations

Learning Java can be beneficiary if you planning on following career aspirations.

  1. Java developer and Kotlin developer.
  2. Full stack developer.
  3. Web developer.
  4. AI and deep learning with the Tensorflow.
  5. Mobile app developer.
  6. Enterprise application developer.
  7. Desktop app developer.
  8. Tablet apps.
  9. Games
  10. VR and AR gaming.